Tinky Winky - Dawn
Dipsy - Grace
Lala - Qing Yuan
Po - Chloe
Tig(g)er - Su Ann
Pooh - Angeline
Cookie Monster - Eveline
Dora the Explorer - Hui Ting
the birthdayys.
Suann 11 March
Grace 1 June
Eveline 17 August
HuiTing 6 September
QingYuan 1 October
Dawn 3 October
Chloe 29 October
Angeline 30 December
Wish list♥
for santa .
clique outing clique tee revive the clique blog clique photos individual photos of each other clique earrings clique shoes clique bag clique shorts clique jackets clique socks clique belts
hey tubbies:) :) :) you guys missed me right. i knew it. hehehehhe. remb, must practice the dance k. the 'gee' dance is now officially the tubbies dance! so we must dance properly:D you guys better read this and respond by tmr or i will take your underwear!!! k, maybe not your underwear. hmm, i will take your money!!!! so, respond. :D:D:D meowmeowmeowmeow. k, read the previous post too, its has all the dance moves. or, you can ask me (eveline the great) for the video of the video of the dance! :D:D:D
kay, have fun dancing~
10:01 AM
Friday, March 27, 2009
hey tubbies:):):) (hey tessa:):):)) LOL. k, today was funnn!!! hohohoho. k. must post more ok. and grace, lemme read your blog. i wanna read. i damn sian. and tmr no band pract!! ohhahahahahhaha. i love this. but then hor, its like, umm... like i wanna practice but i dont wanna practice at the time i'm supposed to. do you guys get it? like, i dont wanna practice in school from 2.30 to 6, i wanna practice like, some odd hour. like maybe sunday, aftn, aft lunch at hm or smth. yeah.
anyways, we need to learn how to dance to GEE!! :D:D:D so, i decided to post the vid!! all hail eveline the great!!!
yeah!! :D:D:D this is the err.. normal pace of the music:
k, have fun practicing in your toilets! :D
love, eveline. ps. i gotta go now cos my sister needs to do her proj. =D
have fun!!
11:13 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
hey tubbies. i'm super sad k. and i cried earlier. seriously. but i feel worse now cos no one is scolding me and i'm watching conan to relieve my stress. like, err. de-stressing. omg. i think i'm gonna cry again. actually, i wont. cos my sister's home. and i dont want her to see me cry. actually, i dont want anyone to see me cry. unless i want them to. omg i dont make sense. nvm. just know tt i'm so sad that i cried. and i want to die. omg. actually, i just wanna cry and to find my wallet. i lost it. omg. i cant stand this anymore. i'm gonna cry soon. omfg. k. i shall watch conan. love you guys.
5:59 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
hey tubbies!! i shall eat a kinder bueno now. okay bye tubbies!